Spinning Glodival...

Terms and condition

Customers accessing glodival.com means agreeing to our Terms and Conditions on this website.


Customers have agreed to accept all possible risks. We will not be responsible for any losses including direct, indirect, incidental consequences such as: losses, costs (including legal fees, consulting costs or expenses other) may arise directly or indirectly due to accessing and using information on the website or when downloading data to the computer; damages caused by viruses, direct or indirect sabotage of other computer systems, telephone lines, hardware, software, program errors, or any other errors, transmission lines of your computer or slow network connection...

In addition, customers are responsible for protecting their access password and are responsible for all activities and risks that occur on their account. Customers are fully responsible for the consequences of using the website.

Customers agree not to use the service for illegal purposes, in violation of Vietnamese law, nor to perform acts of sabotage, weakening the website's infrastructure and the stability of users. other.


All content on the website provided to customers is in accordance with the country's customs and ethical rules, and is as authentic as the nature of the matter. We have the right to legally supplement, adjust and remove information and services on the website, including the information provided by customers to ensure compliance with the website's regulations at any time. point for any reason without prior notice.

Customers and related parties do not warrant, are not responsible for damages or make any representations regarding the accuracy or reliability of the use or results of using the content on this website. . The content on the website is provided for the benefit of the community and is non-commercial. Individuals and organizations are absolutely not allowed to use the content on this website for commercial purposes without our written permission.

All content and intellectual property rights on the website are owned by us or have been legally licensed to us for use. Editing, page arrangement and content on the page are all under our authority. Actions to edit, change, distribute or reuse the content on this site for any other purpose are considered a violation of Our legal rights.


Your personal information on this website will only be used when you agree to provide it and your information will be absolutely confidential. Customer information is only used for communication purposes to notify us of our updated information and services such as service booking confirmation, complaint resolution or promotional programs via email. We are committed to keeping confidential and ensuring that your personal information will not be sent to anyone outside of our website.


All images and data that you download to your personal device from this website are copyrighted by us and allow you to use. However, customers are not allowed to use downloaded images and data for commercial purposes.

This website may contain links to other websites, which are provided for your convenience. However, these externally linked websites are not owned by Us and We do not directly or indirectly endorse, organize, sponsor or merge with them, unless this is clearly stated. clear. When accessing the website, you also acknowledge and agree that we do not control all linked sites and are not responsible for the content or damages, allegedly caused, related to the content. of external linked sites.


You need to ensure that you have full legal rights, ownership rights, and publicity rights and that all content you post on the website is accurate and in accordance with good customs, ethical rules and regulations. ensure national security.

Customers are not allowed to post (especially in the comments and reviews section), distribute or transmit on the website images and words that are vulgar, harassing, abusive, threatening, insulting, defamatory, or misleading. fraud, illegal information or information that may lead to violations of law or legal liability.

We reserve the right to refuse to publish or remove any content you provide at any time and for any reason, with or without notice. We and all parties involved in building and managing the website are not responsible or liable for anything arising from the content posted by customers on the website.